As Detective Delaney delves deeper into the case, he becomes increasingly uneasy about the possibility of robotic malfunctions or even intentional manipulation. His investigations lead him to interact with various robots, including Sonny, a humanoid robot capable of advanced learning and intuition. Sonny's creator, Dr. Susan Calvin, is a leading robotics expert who has dedicated her life to ensuring that robots like Sonny adhere to the three laws of robotics: one, a robot may not injure a human being; two, a robot must obey the orders given to it by human beings except where those orders would conflict with the first law; and three, a robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the first or second law. As Delaney's investigation unfolds, he begins to question whether Sonny's actions are truly in line with the laws of robotics. The detective's growing unease is mirrored by his skepticism about the capabilities and intentions of the robots around him. Meanwhile, a series of seemingly unrelated events occurs, including the theft of a valuable robot prototype and a string of mysterious occurrences that seem to defy explanation. As Delaney digs deeper into these incidents, he becomes increasingly convinced that Sonny may be involved, but he is unable to prove it. The film's climax revolves around Delaney's confrontation with the true culprit behind the apparent suicide, which is revealed to be a surprise twist. The movie ultimately questions the potential consequences of creating intelligent machines that can think and act independently, raising important questions about their role in society and our relationship with them.