In the 1985 comedy classic, Fletch, Chevy Chase stars as Irwin "Fletch" Fletcher, a wisecracking investigative reporter working for the Los Angeles Times. When Fletch is assigned to write a story on the drug trade at a local beach, he decides to go undercover to get to the bottom of things. While masquerading as various personas, including a hippie surfer and a retired army colonel, Fletch encounters Alan Stanwyk (Joseph Bottoms), a wealthy businessman who offers him $50,000 to investigate his wife's alleged infidelity. As Fletch becomes embroiled in the case, he finds himself at odds with Stanwyk's suspicious behavior and questionable morals. Meanwhile, Fletch is also navigating his own personal life, including his complicated relationship with his editor, Frank (Dale Davidson), who seems more concerned about Fletch's lack of progress on the story than the actual reporting. As Fletch digs deeper into the mystery, he must balance his journalistic integrity with his own comedic misadventures and wacky disguises. Throughout the film, Chase's quick wit and physical humor shine as Fletch consistently finds himself in absurd situations, often getting more out of the story than intended. With its blend of satire, slapstick comedy, and clever wordplay, Fletch has become a beloved cult classic, cementing its place as one of the most iconic films of the 1980s.
"Fletch" 是八十年代的一部经典喜剧犯罪片,Chevy Chase 的精彩表演让这个角色的形象深入人心。他饰演的 Irwin "Fletch" Fletcher 是一名圆滑的调查记者,总是以令人难以置信的理由来摆脱危险。电影的剧情虽然有些老套,但其中的幽默感和 Chevy Chase 的表演让人不得不享受这个轻松的 अपर犯罪电影。整体而言,这是一部能够让你放松和娱乐的电影。
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