As the Avengers continue their fight against evil, they are faced with a new threat when the government decides to regulate their activities. The Sokov Accords, named after the country where the team had saved countless lives from Ultron's destruction, aim to keep the team in check and prevent any further destruction. The divide among the Avengers is palpable as some members support the accords, while others fiercely oppose them. Tony Stark, who has faced criticism for his role in the Ultron incident, sees the accords as a necessary step towards accountability. He is joined by James "Rhodey" Rhodes, aka War Machine, and T'Challa, the Black Panther. On the other hand, Steve Rogers, aka Captain America, believes that the accords would undermine their ability to protect the world from threats. He is supported by Natasha Romanoff, aka Black Widow, Sam Wilson, aka Falcon, and Clint Barton, aka Hawkeye. The conflict within the team comes to a head when Wanda Maximoff, aka Scarlet Witch, is accused of bombing the United Nations headquarters in Vienna. The government sees this as evidence that the Avengers are not fit to regulate themselves and demands that they sign the Sokov Accords or face the consequences. As tensions rise, Captain America and Iron Man engage in a bitter debate about the team's future. The argument ends with Cap refusing to comply with the accords and Tony feeling betrayed by his friend. Meanwhile, Baron Helmut Zemo, aka Vormundus, seeks revenge against the Avengers for their role in the death of his family during the Battle of Sokovia. He targets the team by exploiting their divisions and using Wanda's powers against them. The film takes a dramatic turn when the airport battle erupts, with both factions clashing in a spectacular display of superhuman abilities. The fight ends with Captain America's allies imprisoned and Iron Man's team forced to abandon their mission. As Zemo reveals his plan, it becomes clear that he has been manipulating the Avengers from the start. He uses Wanda's powers to make her kill Vision, leading to a heart-wrenching moment where the android's mind stone is taken by Thanos' adopted daughter, Gamora. Captain America and Black Widow team up to take down Zemo, but not before he reveals that his family was killed during the Avengers' battle in Sokovia. This twist adds depth to his character and underscores the moral complexity of the film. The movie concludes with Tony Stark's team taking Bucky Barnes, aka Winter Soldier, into custody, while Captain America disappears into the shadows. The stage is set for the events of Avengers: Infinity War as the divide between the teams widens, and the world prepares for an even greater threat in the form of Thanos.