Lord of the Flies


Here is the plot summary of Lord of the Flies: As the plane crashes onto the mysterious and isolated island, a group of British schoolboys are left stranded with no adult supervision. The initial excitement and camaraderie among the boys give way to chaos and anarchy as they struggle to survive on their own. The group's leader, Ralph, attempts to establish order by creating rules and a system of governance, while Jack Merridew, a charismatic but power-hungry individual, takes it upon himself to hunt and provide for the group. As time passes, the boys' behavior becomes increasingly primal and savage. They create their own primitive society, governed by a "law" that is based on fear and intimidation rather than reason or morality. The line between civilized behavior and savagery blurs, and the group's descent into chaos and violence accelerates. Meanwhile, a beast, rumored to be lurking in the jungle, becomes a focal point for the boys' fears and superstitions. This mythical creature is eventually revealed to be a dead pilot who has been rotting on the beach, but not before it serves as a catalyst for the group's further degeneration into savagery. As the novel progresses, Ralph and Jack become increasingly at odds with each other, their differences reflecting fundamental conflicts between civilization and savagery. The conch shell, which was initially used to summon meetings and maintain order, becomes a symbol of the boys' lost innocence and their inability to govern themselves effectively. In the end, the group's descent into chaos is complete. The once-innocent and naive schoolboys have been transformed into ruthless and brutal savages, mirroring the darker aspects of human nature that are revealed when civilization is stripped away. The novel concludes with a sense of tragic inevitability, as the boys' fate serves as a warning about the dangers of unchecked power and the destructive tendencies that can emerge when social norms are abandoned.

Lord of the Flies screenshot 1Lord of the Flies screenshot 2
Source from: TMDB


Lord of the Flies

Lord of the Flies

年份: 1963
时长:92 分钟