Venom: Let There Be Carnage


As the world is still reeling from the revelation that Venom has taken up residence inside journalist Eddie Brock's (Tom Hardy) body, a new and even more sinister force emerges in the form of Carnage. This twisted entity is born from the mind of Cletus Kasady (Brendan Fraser), a serial killer who has been imprisoned for his heinous crimes. When Kasady learns about the symbiote that has bonded with Brock, he becomes fixated on obtaining its power for himself. As the symbiote and Brock struggle to maintain their uneasy alliance, they are unaware of the threat that lurks in the shadows - a dark mirror image of Venom itself. Carnage, fueled by Kasady's twisted desires and fueled by his own insatiable hunger for chaos and destruction, sets out to claim Eddie's body as its own. As the two symbiotes clash, the city teeters on the brink of collapse, and Brock finds himself torn between his own humanity and the monstrous power that now resides within him. As the battle between Venom and Carnage rages on, a series of gruesome and unsettling events unfolds. The symbiotes' destructive path leaves a trail of devastation in its wake, forcing Eddie to confront the true nature of his bond with the alien entity.

Venom: Let There Be Carnage screenshot 1Venom: Let There Be Carnage screenshot 2
Source from: TMDB

Mga Review

Venom: Let There Be Carnage

Venom: Let There Be Carnage

Uri:Mga Pelikula
Science Fiction
Taon: 2021
Petsa ng Paglabas:2025-03-05
Tagal:97 minuto